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2014/10/8 14:46

撰文及考題設計 英國文化協會 Mark O’Sullivan 中譯/陳怡君(中央社編譯)


儘管現在一般人都認為布丁是甜點,但其實布丁一開始是鹹的,像是黑布丁或約克郡布丁 ,雖然名稱都有布丁,但卻更確切來說是肉類原料或普通食材所製,這可以解釋一些英國傳統食物名稱何以令人困惑之處。


儘管中古時代的布丁大多是肉類製成,但到了17世紀,布丁開始有鹹與甜兩種類型,甜的就是用麵粉、堅果與糖製成,且甜布丁不用香腸皮,而是放在一種特製的布包內去煮;到了18世紀,已做好的甜布丁看起來比較像是蛋糕, 聖誕布丁就是一個好例子。

即便如此,許多傳統的英國布丁都有一種共同材料,那就是在麵糰裡添加牛或羊板油,包括葡萄乾布丁、 布丁卷以及經典的牛肉腰子派等一系列熱門甜點在內。之後隨著布丁口味變得更豐富,也發展出其他受歡迎的餐後甜點,像是烤黑莓蘋果奶酥、檸檬蛋白派與太妃糖布丁等。



並不是所有受歡迎的英國布丁都有這樣清楚的歷史脈絡。要是傳說可信的話,有些甜點的演變純粹是無心插柳,英國經典點心伊頓雜糕就是如此。 不過無論是意外研發還是精心設計,英國布丁獨特的風味有其獨特的歷史來搭配。(完)


Sweet Tooth: The history of British puddings

撰文及考題設計 英國文化協會 Mark O’Sullivan

British people have long been famous for their taste for sweets, and pudding itself can be claimed to be a British invention, with the word first appearing in the Middle Ages. Pudding originates from the Old French word boudin meaning ‘black pudding’, itself derived from the Latin word botellus, meaning ‘sausage; small intestine’, and tracing the origins of British puddings reveals some fascinating aspects of Britain’s culinary heritage.

Although nowadays we think of puddings as being sweet-tasting desserts, the first puddings were actually savoury in flavour. This explains the confusion over some traditional British foods – such as Black pudding or Yorkshire pudding - which have the word ‘pudding’ in their name, but are actually made from meat or rather plain ingredients.

Black pudding is essentially a blood sausage, and is made from a mixture of pig’s blood, pork fat, oatmeal and spices, and is boiled in sausage skins. Yorkshire pudding, on the other hand, is made from flour, egg, and milk batter, and cooked in hot oil. It is served as a side dish with the traditional Sunday dinner of roast meat, boiled vegetables and gravy.

Although medieval puddings were mostly meat-based, by the 17th century puddings started to diverge into both savoury types and sweet types, which were made from flour, nuts and sugar. Instead of using sausage skins, sweet puddings tended to be boiled in special cloth bags and by the 18th century the finished product was more like a cake - Christmas pudding is a prime example of this.

Even so, many traditional British puddings still share a common ingredient.The inclusion of suet, which is beef or mutton fat, in pastries, led to an array of popular desserts including the likes of Spotted Dick and Jam Roly-Poly – as well as the savoury classic, Steak and Kidney pudding. Later on, puddings became much more richly flavoured, leading to other popular after-dinner treats such as Blackberry and Apple crumble, Lemon Meringue Pie and Sticky Toffee pudding.

Not all puddings are quite so strongly flavoured, however. Bread pudding made ideal use of Britain’s staple food, and was a great way for frugal cooks to use up stale pieces of bread, which were soaked in milk and sweetened before being baked. The pudding was actually viewed as a healthy food option to serve to people who were weak or sick because of illness or injury. The classic Summer pudding was seen as a development of this, and was a mixture of locally available summer fruits that were in season – like redcurrants and raspberries – moulded in a bowl lined with slices of bread.

What about that classic French pudding, crème brûlée? Can that really be claimed to belong to French cuisine? Guess again - its history begins in Britain when the Romans brought over their expertise in the binding properties of eggs and where custard was later developed. Early records show a 17th century recipe book from Dorsetshire that describes a thick custard mixture of sugar, eggs and cream, sprinkled with sugar and caramelised under heat – hence the name ‘burnt cream’. It went on to become the standard dessert served at Cambridge University, and in particular at Trinity College.

Not all popular British puddings have such clear-cut histories however. Some, if the myths are to be believed, evolved purely by chance, like the quintessentially British fare of Eton Mess. Nevertheless, whether created by accident or design, British puddings have their own intriguing histories to go with their unique flavours. End


Tracing / to trace – verb –to follow the origin or development of something

Culinary – adj. –of, or, for cooking

Heritage –noun –things of cultural or historical importance

Savoury – adj. –having a salty or spicy flavour

Diverge – verb –to go in different directions, or away from a standard

Prime example –phrase –a perfect example of something

Staple food – adj. noun –the main food eaten

Frugal – adj. –economical or thrifty with regards to money of food

Binding / to bind – verb –the join, stick or combine together

Cuisine – noun –a style or method of cooking, from a particular region or country

Quintessentially – adv. –representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class

IELTS Questions:
Exam tip 1 – Underline key words in the question and study the text carefully to see if any relevant part matches the statement.

Exam tip 2 – For standard tasks like this, the questions will follow the order of the text. Write ‘True’ (T), ‘False’ (F) or ‘Not Given’ (NG) after each of the statements 1~10.

Example Question:
Q: The notion of puddings being British is legitimate, as they were first created in Britain.
Answer: True“…puddings can be claimed to be a British invention…”


1. The earliest puddings were regarded as having a generally salty or spiced taste.

2. Black pudding and Yorkshire pudding are eaten regularly by people in the north of England.

3. By the 1600s pudding styles had separated into two distinct kinds.

4. A Christmas pudding is a poor example of a boiled pudding type.

5. Suet is made from the fat taken from cattle or sheep.

6. Bread pudding was ideal for cooks who liked to create lavish desserts.

7. Summer puddings were made with imported fruit so that they were available all year round.

8. The Romans were well aware of how to use eggs to stick to hold things together in cooking.

9. ‘Burnt Cream’ was only occasionally served on special occasions at Cambridge University.

10. Eton Mess was created by accident when a dog crushed a meringue dessert on the way to a picnic at Eton College.


1. True

2. Not Given

3. True

4. False

5. True

6. False

7. False

8. True

9. False

10. Not Given

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