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2015年轉眼溜走,又迎來新的一年。歐洲商會去年底發表對台2016年建議書時,在四大項目中再次提出「留住和培育人才」, 這是繼2013年後,再次強調台灣留住人才的重要。


2015/12/31 18:19

How Ordinary British People are Aiding the World


With 2015 coming to an end, United Nations (UN) leaders and delegates have gathered to evaluate how far the world has come in achieving the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set out in 2000. Of the eight goals, the top two goals were to ‘Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty’ and ‘Achieve Universal Primary Education’. Although not official yet, in September 2015 the UN has released the seventeen new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the next fifteen years. Similar to the MDGs, the SDGs’ first goal is ‘No Poverty’, the second is ‘Zero Hunger’, and the fourth is ‘Quality Education’.


Goal One: End povert y in all its forms everywhere

The two main regions of the world that are focused on to eradicate poverty remain the same – sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, where a vast number of people live off less than $1.25 USD a day.


Goal Two: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Did you know that Asia has the hungriest people in the world? Yes, two thirds of Asia’s population lives in hunger. Even though agriculture is the main employer around the world (40% of today’s population), poor nutrition causes 45% of deaths in children under the age of five.

你知道亞洲擁有全球最飢餓的人口嗎?是的, 多達三分之二亞洲人活在飢餓中。儘管多數人從 事的農業是這個世界上主要的行業,(占現今人口40%),但營養不良導致45%兒童活不過五歲。

Goal Four: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning

The MDGs have made great strides in getting children enrolled and attending school, but realized quantity does not equal to quality. Thus, the SDG four focuses on quality over quantity.



Outside the realm of politics, consortiums, and government organizations, lie a great number of charities devoted to the same MDGs and SDGs. One prime example of one person taking action is Ian Sanderson, Founder of Afrinspire. Afrinspire is a Cambridge-based, UK charity that focuses on long-term, sustainable, indigenous development initiatives in Eastern African countries.


Afrinspire has several initiatives, all focusing on eradicating poverty through different facets. Their flagship program is cal led Funct ional Adult Literacy, which is for adults to learn basic literacy and numeracy skills in their local language. The results have been staggering, with thousands of families now being able to redeem basic human rights such as filling out government forms and registering their children for school. This aids in achieving SDG four.


Sustainable agriculture is the next goal that Afrinspire works with and has a number of projects in this area. Local farmers are taught critical and innovative farming skills and then teach others in their area the same. As a direct result, Afrinspire beneficiaries have enough food on their tables to eat and are able to start selling crops at the market, which achieves SDG two – food security.

永續農業是Afrinspire的下個目標,並在該領域有許多計畫,像是教導當地農人重要與創新的耕種技能,再讓他們教導同區域的其他農人。直接效果是,受惠於Afrinspire的農人能為家裡餐桌帶來足夠糧食,並有餘力在市場銷售農作物, 進而達到第二個永續發展目標─糧食安全。


Lastly, skills for employment helps reach for the number one goal – ending poverty. From sewing to hairdressing to establishing Internet cafes, Afrinspire has enabled individuals to become entre¬preneurs through providing resources and training as needed. These families are now able to provide for themselves and rise above the poverty threshold, with endless positive effects.


All in all, Afrinspire is just one example of how one British man sparked a change for thousands, possibly millions of lives and making the world a better place. We have another fifteen years to reach seventeen Sustainable Development Goals, what will you do to make a difference?


更多精彩內容請見《全球中央》2016年1月號;訂閱 《全球中央數位雜誌》;本文由《全球中央》雜誌授權刊載,未經同意禁止轉載。

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