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六四漸被遺忘 坦克人攝影師:天安門永不會消失

2019/5/20 13:58(2024/10/15 18:20 更新)


1989年6月5日,六四天安門清場翌日,時任美聯社(AP)攝影師的韋德納(Jeff Widener),在北京飯店拍下肉身擋車的「坦克人」照片,成為最廣為人所知的六四見證。


深入槍林彈雨 採訪六四衝突不畏懼





在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

-TIANANMEN UPRISING- On the night of June 4, 1989 the Chinese government decided to make a swift and brutal end to the long student occupation of Tiananmen Square. There had been a breakdown of negotiations and mistakes made on both sides. Lives were lost on both sides of the conflict as seen here. I had just photographed a dead soldier lying next to this burning APC on the Chang'an Boulevard while his colleagues were trapped inside. My flash batteries were exhausted allowing only one picture every 60-seconds. One man caught on fire as another protester tried to help him. After waiting for what seemed an eternity for my Vivitar 283 flash to charge, I quickly snapped this frame the second my neck snapped back from a terriffic blow to my face. The stray protester rock had ripped the flash and lens off my Nikon F3 titanium camera which had absorbed the blow thus sparring my life. As I looked down at my blood splattered camera I noticed the mirror was shattered along with the metal shutter curtain being warped but the camera remained light sealed. The film had to be extracted in a darkroom with a pair of pliers. After almost passing out, my head was spinning. A second later another soldier exited the burning APC with his hands in the air. The mob moved in on the terrorized soldier with clubs and steel pipes. There was nothing I could do. As I rode my bicycle past the occcupied Tiananmen Square with my bloody camera body hanging around my neck, I could see large caliber machine gun tracers arching over the Tiananmen Square. People were running around screaming while city buses were burnned. My head ached and everything seemed to run in slow motion. The tragic night had begun and I was completely out of commission. It is truly a miracle that I am alive to share this story. #travelingourplanet #travelingourplanet #lonelyplanet #life #dailylife #lensculture #ig_global_people #lensculturestreets #photographyislife #photojournalist #pictureoftheday #35mmphotography #leica #leicaambassador #travelphoto #filmphotographic #capture #photoart #streetlife #picoftheday #imageoftheday #decisivemoment #jeffwidener #tiananmensquare #tiananmen #beijing #china #prodemocracy #hongkong

Jeff Widener(@jeff.widener)分享的貼文 於 張貼



留學生捨命相助 坦克人照片得以傳播




在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

-OCCUPATION- On June 5, 1989 I rode a bike to the Beijing Hotel where secret police were electrocuding journalists. The location had the best vantage point of the military-controlled Tianananmen Square following a deadly crackdown against pro democracy students the previous night. The journey was dangerous. My camera gear was concealed in my clothing. Sporadic gunfire echoed from back alleys as I traversed smashed bicycles, charred buses and scattered debris. At one overpass four tanks had soldiers standing in turrets aiming large caliber machine guns. My fear was overwhelming. After surviving the hellish journey, three secret policemen in white jumpsuits approached me at the lobby entrance. Just as I panicked, I spotted an American exchange student named Kirk in the hotel's deserted lobby. I yelled at the stranger "Hey Joe where have you been"? He sized up the situation and walked me to his room as security turned and continued their smoke break. Kirk had hidden behind a taxi when a truck load of soldiers shot several tourist standing in the hotel entrance just 10- minutes before my arrival. Their bodies were dragged inside by hotel staff. After sneaking on the roof of the hotel with Kirk's help, I used a Nikon FE2 camera with a Nikon 400mm lens and doubler resulting in an 800mm shot. I steadied the lens on my camera bag with help from the camera's self timer.

Jeff Widener(@jeff.widener)分享的貼文 於 張貼



拍下六四坦克人 是運氣也是挫折



而在記錄下這歷史的一刻之後,韋德納從此以「拍下坦克人的攝影師」聞名世界,許多名流希望聽他講述那段故事,他甚至也因為重返北京為英國廣播公司(BBC)攝製六四20週年紀錄片,而認識了妻子柯利納(Corinna Widener)。



不能逼人認識歷史 但天安門事件不會消失



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