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〈低齡創業〉, 駐瑞典、法國、美國特派員連線報導各國青少年創業有成的故事,並探討歐美創新創業有成的教育背景、社會因素,值得各界省思。台北的文教記者延伸報導八年級生創業成功的例子與五年魔咒,提供有志創業的讀者參考。


2017/12/1 11:47

撰文及考題設計/British Council 英協教育中心 Brian Welter 中譯/陳怡君 (中央社編譯)

Have you ever bought something because of how someone talked about a product or service, and then later couldn’t believe that you had got hooked? Have you ever voted for a politician after hearing powerful words and ideas, and then realised later that you had been fooled?


In all likelihood, you were affected by the speaker’s rhetoric. Rhetoric is the skillful use of language. It is essential to both speaking and writing. While we all use this, sales representatives and politicians do so most famously. This is not surprising. In order to give our money or our vote, we have to feel a connection to a salesperson or lawmaker.


In ancient Rome, rhetoric was an important school subject. Later, along with grammar and logic, rhetoric formed the basis of European education for centuries. These three subjects were considered to be the first steps of learning, and were therefore taken by children who would go on to study medicine, law, or music.


Speakers and writers can connect with individuals through a variety of rhetorical means, including clever reasoning, emotional appeal, and references to authoritative facts or stories.


First, someone may use logos, the Greek word for “reason,” to convince you that an idea makes sense. We all weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a course of action or think about a common sense approach to things. In stressing the importance of studying to their children, parents may refer to the fact that people with a university education tend to earn more money than others. When someone clearly explains the sensible thing to do, he's using logos.


Second, a good article or speech almost always contains pathos, which is the attempt to connect with people’s emotions. Often a speaker’s cute or heart-warming story will illustrate a significant point. If a speech is on never giving up, the speaker may refer to Thomas Edison. The great inventor repeatedly failed before finally getting the light bulb right. That gives discouraged people hope.


When a whole nation is facing difficult times, a country’s president will often bring up the past. Listeners will be reminded of a previous generation which overcame even worse circumstances due to hard work and the right attitude. American presidents often mention the Great Depression of the 1930s, and how the people came together. Pathos often acknowledges listeners’ fears and frustrations, yet also their hopes.


Ethos, reference to authority, is the third important pillar of rhetoric. A good speaker or writer tries to present him- or herself as an expert in order to build trust with the audience. A doctor will start a speech on heart health by saying, “As someone with over twenty years’ experience as a heart doctor, …”


We more easily accept an argument when it comes from a public authority. We tend to trust accountants on taxes and gardeners on gardening. Fitness magazines will often get professional trainers to write articles on how to stay healthy. The reader is convinced that the magazine’s advice can be taken.


Sometimes people dislike rhetoric. They feel that a speaker is manipulating them by telling unrealisti¬cally heartwarming or scary stories. In this case, the word “rhetoric” is used negatively. Politicians will often accuse the other side of “using rhetoric.” This means that the language may be overly emotional and not fully truthful. It’s an indirect way to call someone a liar. Due to this political use of language, rhetoric has a poor reputation among many.


Nonetheless, rhetoric is unavoidable. We use it regularly because we want to convince people to do or believe certain things. If you want your friend to go to your favourite hamburger place with you, you’ll remind her of the great time you had last time (pathos), reason that it’s a good price (logos), and point out both that your mother also likes it (ethos) and that it is the most popular restaurant in the city (ethos). It’s a winning argument, one we have all used.

儘管如此,修辭依舊是無法避免的。我們常規地使用它,因為我們想要使人信服或去進行某些事物。如果你想要朋友和你一起去你喜愛的漢堡店,你會提醒他你曾經擁有的美好時光(感性), 解釋它的優惠價格(邏輯),並同時指出您母親也喜愛它(可信度)以及它是城內最受歡迎的餐廳(可信度)。這是個充滿優勢的論點,我們都曾經使用過。

The great thing about understanding rhetoric is that it allows us to know when people are trying to manipulate us. Their rhetoric won’t be as powerful as before. So study and understand rhetoric in order to avoid becoming its next victim! In fact, you may just benefit from it yourself when trying to change someone’s mind.



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