撰文及考題設計/British Council 英協教育中心 Brian Welter中譯/陳怡君 (中央社編譯)
What is quantum physics, and how might it helpus to understand human psychology? Quantumphysics is the study of the behavior of very smallparticles. These tiny elements do not behave in theway that Newton’s laws of physics say they should.Scientists cannot predict with certainty how theywill act. Now, new research is trying to understandhow this mysterious world of the super small affectsthe brain and therefore how we think, feel, andimagine things.
Most of neurobiologists (scientists who studythe brain) believe that human consciousness, whichincludes our thoughts, emotions, and awareness ofthe five senses, depends on the brain’s basic physicalstructure. This involves brain cells, called neurons, which are connected to each other. These cells are activated and interact with other cells depending onwhat we’re thinking, feeling, or imagining.
Basically, it seems that the mind is a terrificallyefficient and powerful supercomputer. Manypeople think that one day artificial intelligence willprove this by making machines more and more likehumans.
Yet this model raises many questions. One basicproblem in neurobiology is how to explain whymany different parts of the brain become activefor one single conscious event. What appears to behappening is that something like feeling surprisedis actually the result of many individual brainactivities taking place at the same time. How, then,is this final unitary conscious “product” created outof these different events in the brain?
Is it the speed of the “firing” of the brain cells?Could it be certain chemicals that are released?Or could it be at least partly related to quantumphysics? Inside individual neurons, could thebehavior of very tiny particles be influencing humanconsciousness?
The reason some scientists think that quantumphysics may have a role, is that human thinking isnot rigid. We have certain mental habits, but weare free to alter them. Unlike a machine, we are notlimited to laws. Human thinking and consciousnessare not Newtonian, required to follow a certaineffect from a cause. If you are late for work today,just because your supervisor yelled at you last timedoesn’t mean she will do it again this time.
People change, and frequently in unforeseeableways.
The big puzzle is: How can scientists get to knowmore about our quantum brains? How can theytest whether consciousness is linked to quantumparticles found inside neurons? So far, no specificinformation or experiments are available. Onescientist, Stuart Kauffman at Canada’s Universityof Calgary, believes that even if we develop ways tobetter understand the quantum brain, this will stillnot help us understand how the brain’s workingslead to conscious experience.
In fact, it seems that research on the quantumbrain could make things more confusing. Causeand effect, which works fine with Newton’s physics,breaks down at the quantum level. Are these neurobiologiststrying to tell us that our thoughts,feelings, images, and other brain activities have nocauses? That doesn’t seem very helpful to psychologistsand counsellors who try to help individualsdeal with mental or emotional problems.
It’s an important issue. If, on the one hand, ourbrains are just computers, following a Newtoniancause and effect path, then we are not responsible forour behavior. Why put criminals in prison? Why payoff a credit card? Why be responsible for anything?None of us have any choice.
Quantum physics doesn’t solve this. Even thoughquantum physics researchers are in a world ofuncertainty and therefore flexible outcomes, theyare able to speculate on the possible or probablebehavior of very small particles. Particles’ behavioris probabilistic, in other words. The particles willprobably behave in a limited number of ways,depending on the situation. Would that mean thatthe quantum brain is also probabilistic? Kauffmanobserves that this takes responsibility away from theindividual almost as much as the Newtonian model.
Will the quantum brain theory be thrown intothe dustbin of science history? Or end up helpingbehavior psychologists and counsellors aid people inimproving relationships and mental health?
Perhaps these are not scientific issues, but morephilosophical and religious ones. The quantum braintheory may be mixing science with non-science. Inthe case of the quantum brain, has science bitten offmore than it can chew?