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2014/11/18 09:05


108座以金盞花和彩帶裝飾的新廁所,在遭受悲劇打擊的小鎮上落成啟用,這是印度新任總理納倫德拉.莫迪(Narendra Modi)為窮困印度婦女推動終止戶外大小便政策中的一小步。

這些一塵不染的新馬桶,在這個星期天捐給了印度北方省(Uttar Pradesh state)的一個小村莊。這個村莊裡的弱勢婦女,長期懷著恐懼被迫在夜裡跋涉到荒野中上廁所。

建造這間廁所的衛生慈善機構Sulabh創辦人Bindeshwar Pathak說:「我相信沒有女人應該因為必須出門上廁所而失去性命。」

Pathak在烏沙提村莊(Katra Shahadatganj)告訴法新社記者說:「我們的目標是能夠在不太遙遠的將來,提供印度每家戶一座廁所。」








三個小孩的母親Dhanwati Devi,同時也是小村莊裡獲贈一座新廁所的居民表示,她終於可以放下心來,不用在黑暗中害怕遭受攻擊。







非營利組織WaterAid的研究人員Zach White說:「事實上,因為文化、宗教或傳統信仰的因素,有些人認為在戶外大小便比使用馬桶好。」

Zach White告訴法新社說:「對很多人來說,雖然是使用馬桶,但在家裡或附近排放大小便的概念是很奇怪的;在遠離住家以外的地區大小便被認為是比較衛生的。」





New village toilets a small step for poor Indian women

KATRA SHAHADATGANJ, India, Sept 01, 2014 (AFP) - Decorated with marigoldsand ribbons, 108 toilets unveiled in a tragedy-hit village are a small step inPrime Minister Narendra Modi's push to end open-air defecation for impoverishedIndian women.

The spotlessly clean toilets were donated on Sunday to the village innorthern Uttar Pradesh state, where scared and vulnerable women had long beenforced to trek nightly into the fields to relieve themselves.

"I believe no woman must lose her life just because she has to go out todefecate," said Bindeshwar Pathak, founder of sanitation charity Sulabh whichbuilt the toilets.

"Our aim is to provide a toilet to every household in the country in thenot too distant future," Pathak told AFP in Katra Shahadatganj village.

The village made headlines around the world in May when the bodies of twoschoolgirls were found hanging from a tree. They are thought to have gone outinto the fields after dark because their home, like most in their district,lacked a toilet.

Police are investigating whether the cousins, aged 12 and 14, weregang-raped, although no one has been formally charged and five men initiallyaccused are set to be released.

The incident sparked uproar in India, echoing the outrage over the fatalgang-rape of a student on a bus in New Delhi in 2012. But the circumstances which led the schoolgirls to trek outside at nightare not unusual in India.

UNICEF estimates that almost 594 million -- or nearly 50 percent of India'spopulation -- defecate in the open, with the situation acute in dirt-poor ruralareas.

Some 300 million women and girls are forced to squat outside, exposed notonly to the risks of disease and bacterial infection, but also harassment andassault by men.

Modi raised the often taboo subject during his Independence Day speech inAugust, saying India should strive to ensure every household has a toiletwithin the next four years.

"We are in the 21st century and yet there is still no dignity for women asthey have to go out in the open to defecate. Can you imagine the number ofproblems they have to face because of this?" Modi asked.

Mother-of-three Dhanwati Devi, one of the villagers to receive a newtoilet, said she could finally relieve herself without fear of being attackedin the dark.

"I used to dream my house will have a toilet one day. Now that I have one,I feel so proud and liberated," the 48-year-old told AFP, standing next to theblue and pink painted cubicle adorned with strings of flowers outside her home.

"I used to be so scared when going out in the deserted fields in the dark,because I could be attacked any time by depraved criminals," she said.

The uncle of the girls who were hanged said that for his family, thevillage's new toilets were symbols of both "hope and despair".

"Each time we see the toilets, we are reminded that our girls died becausewe didn't have one earlier," the uncle, who cannot be named for legal reasons,told AFP.

"But it also gives hope that our women will be safer now because they nolonger have to venture out in darkness."

Successive governments across India, as well as charities and campaigngroups, have long struggled to increase the number of toilets in villages andencourage their use. Experts say some households find defecating in the openmore convenient, while others face plumbing, sewage and maintenance problemswith their new latrines.

"Some people actually see open defecation as preferable to using toiletsbecause of cultural, religious or traditional beliefs," said Zach White, aresearch officer at the non-profit organisation WaterAid.

"To many, the very idea of defecating in or nearby your own house, albeitin a toilet, is bizarre and seen as less hygienic than defecating on openground away from where they live," White told AFP.

Lack of toilets and other sanitation issues costs India nearly $54 billionannually including through illnesses such as diarrhoea and lower productivity,a 2012 World Bank study found.

Workers from the Sulabh charity will now focus on educating villagers aboutimproved sanitation and the health benefits of using toilets.

The women of Katra Shahadatganj, however, need no such encouragement. "It's a luxury to be able to use the toilet when you need to," said Devi. "Now that we have this luxury, we are not going to let it go to waste." End


trek(動詞) 艱苦跋涉、緩慢地行進。例如:The new facility allows women to collect fresh and unpolluted water on their doorsteps rather than being forced to trek many frustrating miles. 新設備讓婦女可在家門口收集新鲜、未污染的水,而不必跋涉許多里路。

aim(名詞)目標、目的。(動詞) + at 瞄準、針對,+at /for or to 旨在、目的。例如:This anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers. 這場反吸菸運動主要是針對青少年。Cyberattacks aim to disrupt U.S. financial system. 網絡攻擊的目的是擾亂美國金融體系。

investigate(動詞) 調查、研究。不及物動詞時搭配into使用。例如: New Jersey prosecutors are investigating allegations of bullying within a local high school's football teams. 紐澤西檢察官正在調查當地高中足球隊涉及霸凌的案件。

spark(動詞)點燃、激勵、鼓舞。例如: T-Mobile deal collapse could spark telecom price war. 美國電信業者T-Mobile的交易失敗,可能點燃業界的價格戰。

uproar(名詞)騷動、騷亂、喧囂。例如: With the uproar on Twitter, Zara’s parent company, announced that it had stopped selling the shirt. 隨著社群網站推特上的騷動,平價流行服飾Zara的母公司宣布停止販售這款襯衫。

echo(動詞)回聲、回響、共鳴、仿效。例如: His warnings are echoed by many other experts in the field. 他的警告引起領域中其他專家的共鳴。

squat(動詞)蹲踞、蹲伏、蜷伏。例如: Jack squatted behind the bush to avoid being seen.傑克蹲在樹叢後面避免被人看見。

harassment (名詞)騷擾。例如: The official has agreed to a settlement ending the sexual harassment case against her former boss. 官員同意以和解的方式,解決與前雇主之間的性騷擾案。

assault(名詞)攻擊、襲擊、譴責、抨擊。例如: He was arrested for assaulting a police officer. 他因為襲警而被逮捕。

taboo(名詞)禁忌、忌諱。例如:A Japanese lawmaker handed Emperor Akihito a letter expressing fear about the health impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, breaking a taboo by trying to involve the emperor in politics.一位日本律師遞交天皇明仁一封信,表達對福島核災對健康影響的恐懼,試圖打破禁忌讓皇室參與政治事務。

sewage(名詞)汙水、汙穢物。例如: The grave problems of public hygiene are connected with the inefficient sewage system of the city. 公共衛生上的嚴重問題與該城市低效率的污水處理系統息息相關。sewage treatment plant 污水處理廠。

albeit(連接詞) 儘管、雖然。例如: Analysts and investors expect the German economy to pick up speed in the second half of the year, albeit at a slow pace. 儘管成長步伐緩慢,分析師和投資人預期德國經濟在今年下半年開始成長。End

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