2022 SDGs學術論文獎
(中央社訊息服務20220728 15:25:15)財團法人台灣永續能源研究基金會(Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy, TAISE)及財團法人中鼎教育基金會(CTCI Education Foundation, CTCI EF)為推動及鼓勵國內大學院校與企業致力永續發展等相關學術、知能應用之研究發展,第七屆「SDGs學術論文獎」延續過去6年學術論文獎辨理之經驗,年度定期辦理的主題性學術論文獎,希望藉此強化國內外永續發展領域的知識交流、溝通與互動。鼓勵產官學研與NGO各界致力於永續相關的學術研究和計畫、知能應用與善盡社會責任,盼能加速永續知能的傳遞、樹立永續典範,鼓勵優良之研究隨之強化永續轉型之效。
【環境面】範例 (不限於以下主題):
Example (not limited to the following topics) [Environmental Aspect]:
Climate change and carbon risk management, energy transition and management and water resources management, etc.
Example (not limited to the following topics) [Economic Aspect] :
Innovative operation and management, green finance, financial investment and risk management, etc.
Example (not limited to the following topics) [Social Aspect] :
Identification of stakeholders and analysis of key issues, evaluation of communication effect and performance and definition and business model of social inclusion, etc.
台灣企業永續學院 (TACS)
台灣企業永續學院 (TACS) 林小姐
TACS Ms. Lin
EMAIL: lorielin@taise.org.tw
ADD:10571 台北市松山區南京東路五段188號8樓之9
10571 8F-9., No.188, Sec. 5, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City