土耳其駐台辦事處聲明 軍事政變落幕
土耳其昨天深夜軍方少數人發起政變,土耳其總統艾爾段(Tayyip Erdogan)今天宣布政變落幕,政府已掌控局面。他指責這項政變行動僅是一小部分人所為的叛國行為。
以下是聲明英文全文:The situation unfolded in Turkey was a coup attempt to overthrow the democratically-elected government. This attempt was foiled by the Turkish people in unity and solidarity. Our President and Government are in charge. Turkish Armed Forces was not involved inthe coup attempt in its entirety. It was conducted by a clique within the Armed Forces and received a well-deserved response from our nation.1050716