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CTBC Financial Holding wins 3 major accolades at annual CSR awards

2020/6/23 11:47

Taipei, April 29 (CNA) Taiwan-based CTBC Financial Holding Co. won three major accolades at the 16th annual "Corporate Social Responsibility Awards" hosted by Global Views Monthly on Tuesday.

The company won awards in the categories of Education Promotion and Charity Promotion, and it also took the Model Award in the CSR Annual Survey's Finance Industry category.

These achievements attest to the company's commitment to sustainable finance, environmental protection, social participation and corporate governance, CTBC said.

As part of those efforts, the company said, in April it joined the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), a non-profit organization aimed at developing guidelines for voluntary climate-centered financial disclosures across industries.

According to the TCFD website, the organization also serves as a platform for sharing of transparent and comprehensive information to investors, lenders, insurers and stakeholders.

Meanwhile, CTBC said, its subsidiary Taiwan Life Insurance Co. had also been adopting international sustainable finance frameworks such as the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) and Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) as management guidelines to fully incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into its business operations.

According to the CTBC, it is due to publish its PSI and PRI reports by the end of the year to demonstrate its achievements in sustainability.

Global Views Monthly is a Taiwan-based business magazine specializing in the topics of macro-economics, management, technology and humanities.

Its annual Global Views Corporate Social Responsibility Awards are based on its evaluation of enterprises' overall performance in terms of corporate social responsibility, taking into account on their corporate governance, social performance, environmental performance, CSR strategy, stakeholder engagement, and information transparency.

(By Ko Lin)


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