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農曆7月是台灣民間俗稱的「鬼月」,在這個月裡,流傳著許多禁忌話題,而農曆7月15日是中元普渡,更是台灣社會一個重要的民間習俗活動。每個國家都有屬於自己的鬼故事,在地球村的今天,跨文化交流天天在進行, 而瞭解一個國家的鬼文化,也許可以作為一個溝通的開始。

阿勒坡 Aleppo

2017/8/18 13:40(8/28 09:49 更新)

撰文及考題設計/British Council 英協教育中心 Brian Welter 中譯/陳怡君 (中央社編譯)

One of the world’s oldest cities, Aleppo in modern Syria traces itself back thousands of years. Syria’s largest city before the current civil war began, it differs greatly from the country’s capital, Damascus. During its time it has been the country’s financial and industrial centre.


Much of its success and stability comes from its location. Not being a port city has given Aleppo some security over the centuries, as an enemy navy could not enter a harbour and attack. Being centrally located, it has always been a trading centre. Another trading centre, the city of Mosul in modern-day northern Iraq, connected Aleppo to the east, and with goods coming from Persia, India, and beyond. With Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula to the south, and Turkey to the north, unsurprisingly, Aleppines (people from Aleppo) have been merchants by nature.


北部貿易大城─可交易來自波斯、印度等地的貨物,往南有埃及、阿拉伯半島,往北則有來自土耳其的貿易活動。毫無意外地,阿勒坡人先天具備經商基因。This business focus has meant that Aleppo has been open to many kinds of people. While under the Turkish Ottoman Empire, Aleppo was famous for its Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities, and traders from many cultures, speaking many languages, met up in the city. Europeans from Italian cities, France, Holland, and Britain had their own areas of the city as well. While Aleppines speak Arabic, due to the influence of Venice, a kind of trader’s Italian has also been spoken in past centuries.

重商文化影響下,阿勒坡迎來不同族裔人口, 在鄂圖曼土耳其帝國統治期間,阿勒坡以擁有基督徒、穆斯林、猶太教社區,以及許多由各地貿易商帶來的不同語言和文化共處一地聞名,來自英、法、荷蘭與義大利各城市的歐洲人各自形成聚落; 阿勒坡人雖使用阿拉伯語,但受威尼斯商人影響,義大利文通行了數百年。

During its history, as in most Arab cities, the souk, or market, was the heart of the city. This was the place where representatives from all these na¬tionalities, religions, and languages met to carry out their business. By 2000, Aleppo’s network of souks had about 6,000 shops, selling everything from spices, to locally-produced soap, to jewelry and silk.

如同其他阿拉伯都市,阿勒坡的市集一直是城市的心臟,來自全世界、不同語言、信仰的人在此齊聚經商。阿勒坡的傳統市集至2000年共有6,000 間店鋪,從香料、當地生產的肥皂到珠寶絲綢,商品應有盡有。

Being business-oriented meant that politics, like religion, played a secondary role in the city. When Damascus rebelled against the Ottomans due to high taxation in the sixteenth century, Aleppo declined, maintaining its loyalty to the authorities until the end of the empire in the early twentieth century.


One reason Aleppo remained loyal was the high independence the empire granted such cities. Aleppines collected taxes and administered their own local areas and various communities governed their own affairs. Guilds – unions of men working in the same area, such as shoemaking – were locally organised and, reflecting the local diversity, they included members from each religion.

帝國允諾高度自治是阿勒坡持續效忠的原因之一,阿勒坡採地方自治、自行徵稅也有自治社區, 還有由勞工組成的同業公會─如製鞋公會─成員的信仰各自不同,反映在地多元。

Being a crossroads of different cultures and countries, Aleppo became a tourist destination. Its many shops contained all the goods brought to it by caravans of camels: spices from India, coffee from Yemen (drunk in local cafes), locally-produced tobacco and olives. Travellers could go boar and rabbit hunting or play cricket. The poor farmers who lived in the area around Aleppo were famous for their welcoming attitude to strangers.


In addit ion to its commercial activities, Aleppo had a high culture. Many of the wealthy used marble and Italian-styled architecture in their houses. Aleppines’ beautiful f lower gardens, where they also grew fruit such as peaches and grapes, were well-known. Their cooking skills included the well-loved Aleppo kebab, honey-covered sesame cakes, and many dishes decorated with pistachios, including meat and desserts.


When Syria became independent after World War II, Aleppo, with 340,000 people, continued to be a cultural centre even though Damascus was made the country’s capital city. In 1970 its population was just under one million, and in 2004 it stood at over two million. This population growth came despite many Aleppines leaving for cities such as Buenos Aires, New York, and Beirut. Once overseas, they made a contribution to their new countries without losing their roots. For example, they often brought their food culture with them. 即使大馬士革在二戰結束、敘利亞建國後成為首都,擁有34萬人口的阿勒坡仍發展成文化重鎮─1970年達近100萬人口,至2004年已逾200萬人─縱使許多人移往貝魯特、紐約及布宜諾斯艾利斯等地,其人口依舊持續成長。阿勒坡子弟就算成了為他國奉獻心力的新住民,也常不忘本地將家鄉美食文化帶進異鄉。

Like many cities in the former Turkish Ottoman Empire, such as Istanbul, Alexandria, and Baghdad, Aleppo lost its multicultural characteristics, as people from minority communities left. Aleppo after World War II became more Syrian and Arabic, and less French, Italian, and Jewish, just like Alexandria became more Egyptian and Istanbul more Turkish.


In recent years, Aleppo, like all of Syria, has fallen on very hard times. One person noted that for the first time ever, soap is no longer produced in the city because of the destruction of the factories. Many of the souks, some of the oldest in the Middle East, have likewise been destroyed due to the civil war. Present-day Aleppo is now faced with what is perhaps its toughest challenge ever. One hopes that the city will once again grace the world with its lively presence.

敘利亞近年處境嚴峻,據指出,因工廠被破壞, 阿勒坡面臨史上首次無法再生產肥皂的情況,許多市集─有些是中東最古老的─亦被內戰摧毀。阿勒坡也許正遭遇史上最嚴厲挑戰,希望有朝一日她能再次以充滿活力的樣貌迎接世人。



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