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美好烏托邦 IS用計攬新血

2015/4/28 15:47(4/29 15:14 更新)



聖戰士團體伊斯蘭國(Islamic State)運用老練的招募手法,已經吸引數以百計來自西方國家的支持者,前進他們在敘利亞、伊拉克攻掠的地盤。



拜魯特卡內基中東中心 (the Carnegie Endowment's Middle East Centre) 主任莉娜‧哈蒂柏(Lina Khatib) 說:「伊斯蘭國兜售伊斯蘭烏托邦的理想國概念,來吸引年輕男女。」 「並且告訴他們伊斯蘭國是全世界唯一真正的伊斯蘭國家,他們可以在這裡成為重要的人物。」



其中一人據信曾與蘇格蘭格拉斯哥 (Glasgow) 女子阿克薩‧馬穆德(Aqsa Mahmood)連繫。據傳馬穆德去年前往敘利亞,嫁給一名伊斯蘭國戰士。

馬穆德的英語部落格「旅人日誌」(Diary of a Muhajirah),成為伊斯蘭國針對女性的主要宣傳來源。






馬穆德回應一名年輕女孩的問題寫道:「 我保證有一天會有人緊緊摟著你,修補妳破碎的心─是的,他是妳的清真丈夫 」。因為這名女孩要離開男友,搬往敘利亞而起衝突。清真一詞被用來形容,遵守伊斯蘭宗教規範的事物包括人、食物和服務。





哈蒂柏表示,「如果馬穆德是真的,那毫無疑問是被伊斯蘭國集團監督著」、「馬穆德是他們眾多招募新血的工具之一」。 《ISIS:恐怖軍團祕辛》(ISIS:Inside the Army of Terror)作者哈山 (Hassan Hassan)告訴記者:「這些女孩加入伊斯蘭國,是為了尋求冒險,當中有些人活在幻想世界,夢想嫁給戰士。」不過,專家說,等到他們成為其中一員,這些年輕新血就會發現,試圖脫離伊斯蘭國,將讓他們性命不保。


根據敘利亞人權瞭望台組織(Syrian Observatory for Human Rights),去年10月到12月之間,有120多人因試圖離開伊斯蘭國領土而遭到殺害。




seize (動詞) 奪取、攻占;沒收、扣押、查封;利用。例句:Armed men seized the regional government headquarters and parliament on Ukraine's Crimea peninsula. 武裝分子占領克里米亞半島的區域政府中心和國會。

lure (動詞) 引誘、誘惑。例句:Japan is hoping Godzilla, the biggest star in this nation's movie history will help lure tourists during a market-opening strategy launched by the prime minister. 日本希望透過電影史上的大明星─哥吉拉,能在日本首相推出市場開放政策期間協助招攬遊客。luring (動名詞)

high-profile (形容詞) 高調、高之名度的。例句:Cuba’s most high-profile opposition group, the Ladies in White, voted Wednesday to keep their leader, Berta Sole. 古巴最受注目的異議團體白衣女士,週三投票維持領導人伯塔索萊爾(Berta Soler)的領導地位。

aimed at (動詞) 瞄準、對準、以...為目的。例句:T-Mobile has vowed not to unexpectedly increase customer rates, continuing a string of promotions aimed at drawing subscribers and catching up to larger competitors. 美國電信商「T─Mobile」誓言不會無預警調漲消費者使用費率,持續進行一系列的促銷活動,目的在吸引簽約用戶,迎頭趕上其他大型對手。


instead of (介係詞) +名詞或動名詞;而不是。例句:The Brazilian government is analyzing a proposal to tax inheritance transfers instead of wealth as a way to increase revenues. 巴西政府正在分析一項提案,課徵遺產轉移稅而非富人稅來做為增加政府稅收的方法之一。comply with (動詞片語) 遵守。例句:Germany and other countries want European Union leaders to endorse a declaration saying that EU sanctions on Russia will not be eased unless Moscow complies with a Ukraine ceasefire deal. 德國和其他國家希望歐盟領袖能為這項宣言背書,這項宣言載眀除非莫斯科遵守烏克蘭停火協議,否則歐盟對俄羅斯的國際制裁將不會停止。

encounter (動詞) 遭遇、遇到。例句:The Obama administration's plan for U.N. climate change talks encountered swift opposition after its release, with Republican leaders warning other countries to "proceed with caution" in negotiations with Washington because any deal could be later undone. 美國總統歐巴馬政府的聯合國氣候變遷談判計畫,在公布之後很快面臨被打槍的命運,共和黨領導人對其他國家提出「謹慎行事」的警告,因為和華盛頓協商的任何交易可能會在之後被撤銷。

Promises of love, jobs for foreign recruits in IS 'utopia' BEIRUT, March 7, 2015 (AFP) - It has become known for horrific images ofbeheadings and torture, but the Islamic State group is trying to lure foreignrecruits to its "caliphate" with promises of adventure, homes, jobs -- even love.

Using sophisticated recruitment techniques, the jihadists have attractedhundreds of supporters from Western countries to the swathes of territory theyhave seized in Syria and Iraq.


In the beginning, these efforts focused on luring young men to join theranks of jihadist fighters. But IS is increasingly targeting young Western women, as dramaticallyillustrated last month when three British teenaged girls ran away from theirLondon homes to join the jihadists.

Experts say many are shocked by what they find in IS territory, but by thenit is too late.

"IS sells its Islamic utopia to these young men and women," said LinaKhatib, head of the Carnegie Endowment's Middle East Centre in Beirut. "It tells them that this is the only real Islamic state in the world, andthat they can become important figures in it."

Experts say the number of Westerners who have traveled to the "caliphate",which is more than twice the size of Jordan and home to about six millionpeople, is about 3,000, including roughly 550 women.

In the latest high-profile case, three close friends from London -- a16-year-old and two 15-year-old girls -- are believed to have crossed intoSyria last month after flying to Turkey from London.

One of them is believed to have been in contact with Aqsa Mahmood, a woman from Glasgow, Scotland, who reportedly travelled to Syria last year to marry an IS fighter.


Mahmood's English-language blog -- "Diary of a Muhajirah" (Diary of aTraveller) -- has become a key source of IS propaganda aimed at women. - 'Till martyrdom do us part' - =============================== "We don't pay rent here. Houses are given for free. We pay neither electricnor water bills. We are given monthly groceries. Spaghetti, pasta, can foods,rice, eggs," Mahmood wrote in one recent post.

Work is available too, she said, for women who want jobs in education andhealth care. Marriage in IS territory also has its perks, Mahmood has written.

IS fighters receive "seven days off" as part of the wedding celebrationsand brides can choose their own dowry -- but instead of requests forjewellery, they ask for Kalashnikovs.

"Newly married couples are given $700 as a gift," Mahmood wrote. "We don'thave fireworks but we celebrate the wedding by gunshots and lots of takbeer,"or shouts of "Allahu akbar" (God is greatest).

A picture featured on her site of a bearded fighter and his new wife,dressed in a full white veil, was captioned: "Till martyrdom do us part."

Responding to a question from a young girl conflicted about leaving herboyfriend and moving to Syria, Mahmood wrote: "I promise, that one day someone will hug you so tightly and fix back all the broken pieces -- Yes, it's your halal husband." The term halal is used to describe things -- from people to food andservices -- that comply with Islamic religious requirements.


- 'An empty project' - ====================== Other IS recruitment tools, such as its online English-language magazineDabiq, also tout the benefits available to arriving foreigners.

"There are plenty of homes and resources to cover you and your family," themagazine has written. According to Iraqi officials, IS has redistributed tofighters any homes vacated by civilians fleeing the group's takeover.

In its own version of classified ads, Dabiq advertised that IS needs"judges, people with military or administrative skills, doctors, and engineers"to travel to its territory.

Carnegie's Khatib said it was clear that propagandists like Mahmood wereworking under the supervision of IS.

"If she's real, then there's no doubt that the Islamic State groupsupervises her," she said. "She's one of their recruitment tools."

"These girls join this organisation looking for adventure... and some ofthem live in an imaginary world, dreaming of marrying fighters," Hassan Hassan, author of "ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror", told AFP. But once they have joined the ranks of IS, experts said, young recruits will find that trying to leave may cost them their lives.

More than 120 people were killed between October and December for trying to leave IS territory, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group. "I conducted interviews with two young men who came back from (IS-held)Raqa and other areas, and it was clear they were resentful and felt like theyhad been tricked," Khatib said.

Instead of the Islamic utopia IS had promised, these young men encounteredan area whose governance "was based on oppression and tells them not to think".

"They felt like they had been sold an empty project."



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