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O-Bank Earns Outstanding Sustainability Ratings from Morningstar Sustainalytics

發稿時間:2025/02/25 12:00:56

(中央社訊息服務20250225 12:00:56)In the latest sustainability ratings published by Morningstar Sustainalytics, O-Bank once again scored extremely well. As of the end of January 2025, data from Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation ESG Investor Relations Platform (TDCC IR Platform) indicate that Sustainalytics ranked O-Bank No. 1 in Taiwan among all listed companies, No. 1 among all financial institutions in Taiwan for the third consecutive year, and additionally included O-Bank among its "Global 50 ESG Top Rated" companies. These superb results highlight the outstanding job that O-Bank has done in implementing sustainable business practices and controlling its business risks.

Morningstar Sustainalytics has more than 30 years of experience in the preparation of ESG ratings, and is one of the world's most authoritative ESG ratings organizations. It regularly examines the environmental policies, social impact, and corporate governance systems of over 20,000 companies throughout the world in order to gauge their overall ESG risk and performance. Sustainalytics ESG ratings take risk management as the principal focus in classifying each of various risks faced by rated companies as "managed risk," "unmanaged risk," or "unmanageable risk." A Sustainalytics ESG Risk Score is calculated as the difference between a company's overall ESG Exposure Score and its overall Managed Risk Score. The lower a score, the better is a company's ESG risk management performance. A score of 0–10 indicates negligible risk, 10–20 indicates low risk, 20–30 indicates medium risk, 30–40 indicates high risk, and anything above 40 indicates severe risk.

In the ESG Risk Rating published by Morningstar Sustainalytics in December 2024, O-Bank received an ESG Risk Rating of 7.27, which remainsin the "negligible risk" category. At the end of January 2025, according to data from the TDCC IR Platform, O-Bank ranked No. 1 among financial institutions in Taiwan for the third consecutive year, as well as No. 1 among all companies listed in Taiwan, up from a prior ranking of No. 2. Moreover, O-Bank's ESG Risk Rating is among the top 1% of all companies rated worldwide. Sustainalytics furthermore, based on O-Bank's outstanding ESG performance in 2024, includes O-Bank within the " Industry ESG Top Rated" worldwide and among the "Regional ESG Top Rated" for Asia/Pacific. Meanwhile, O-Bank was the only one Taiwanese bank included by Sustainalytics among its "Global 50 ESG Top Rated" companies. These superb results highlight the outstanding job that O-Bank has done in implementing sustainable business practices and controlling its business risks.

In this latest Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating Report, O-Bank received perfect scores on the following indicators: Corporate Governance; Human Capital; Data Privacy and Cybersecurity; Resilience; Business Ethics; ESG Integration; Stakeholders Engagement; and Product Governance. In addition, the Risk Rating Report also stated: "O-Bank's overall ESG-related disclosure follows leading practice, signaling strong accountability to investors and the public, and the Bank has established a board-level Sustainability Committee, indicating that it integrates such issues into its core business strategy. The company's overall management of material ESG issues is strong."

O-Bank Chairperson Tina Y. Lo stated: "O-Bank has long striven to achieve the ESG goal of sustainable development, and we are honored to receive positive recognition from an international sustainability ratings institution. This shows that investors can trust in the measures that O-Bank has taken in response to sustainability issues. Moving forward, we will continue making further progress toward a sustainable future where we pay balance attention to profitability along with environmental and social interests."