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Milestone Celebration: 8th Anniversary of the Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan

發稿時間:2023/10/31 15:18:24

(中央社訊息服務20231031 15:18:24)The Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan (“The Foundation”) celebrated its 8th anniversary on October 20th at the Ballroom of Illume Hotel Taipei. In the afternoon, the "Zero Carbon Living" Sustainability Forum kicked off the event. The "Dreams, Infinitesimals" gala dinner was held to thank the distinguished guests who have continuously supported and been charitable and influential partners since the Foundation's establishment.

During her opening remarks, Ms. Philippa Tsai, President of the Foundation, stated, 'The Foundation will persist in forming partnerships to amplify the impact in bringing to fruition the vision of Prof. Muhammad Yunus, the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, aiming for the three zeros of sustainability:Zero net carbon emissions, Zero poverty, and Zero unemployment. In celebration of its 8th anniversary, the Foundation invited many ESG and sustainability practitioners to provide participants with the latest trends in net-zero sustainability and the best solutions for zero-carbon implementation.

Prof. Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank and laureate of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, delivered an online master talk on the topic of "Three Zero World". Prof. Yunus raised the issues of climate, wealth concentration, and unemployment around the world, and urged all the guests to become a Three-Zero persons and form Three-Zero Clubs to make a difference in our lives. All of us should reduce carbon emissions, reuse, and repurpose in our lives, and work together to create a "Three Zero World" as a common goal. For Prof. Yunus' online speech, please visit: https://youtu.be/h8cKG3ecYuE

The Foundation also invited keynote speakers from various fields to talk about net-zero sustainability from the perspectives of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), environmental protection, social innovation, and education, so that all participants can understand the implementation and application of sustainability from different perspectives.

During the dinner, Ms. Juno Wang, CEO of the Foundation, presented the Foundation's achievements throughout 2023, including the Yunus Camp ,Grameen School, the third Yunus Innovation Award in Taiwan with a history record number of 122 team participated, the Taiwan delegation to visit Prof. Yunus in Bangladesh this year, and participation in the 13th Social Business Day in Malaysia.

The Foundation invited physically challenged performers and artists to play "You raise me up" at the dinner party was very touching to the guests, and also cooperated with the Taiwan Painting Association to charity-sell paintings created by physically and mentally challenged artists in the hope that the kindness of the public welfare will infect every participant.

Ms. Liza Lin, Vice President of the Foundation, delivered a closing speech, thanking all the guests for their participation and expressing that the Foundation will continue to follow Prof. Yunus's vision of contributing to the society to make Taiwan a better place in the future.

The Foundation has been established for eight years and continues to promote Prof. Yunus’ Three Zeros vision and follows his four missions. The Foundation’s President Ms. Philippa Tsai (left), CEO Ms. Juno Wang (right).
The Foundation has been established for eight years and continues to promote Prof. Yunus’ Three Zeros vision and follows his four missions. The Foundation’s President Ms. Philippa Tsai (left), CEO Ms. Juno Wang (right).

Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh, National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Sustainability Management and Environmental Education shared his expertise on the topic of “Net Zero Sustainability from ESG” at the “Zero Carbon living” Sustainability Forum.
Prof. Shin-Cheng Yeh, National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Sustainability Management and Environmental Education shared his expertise on the topic of “Net Zero Sustainability from ESG” at the “Zero Carbon living” Sustainability Forum.

Ms. Philippa Tsai (first from left), President of The Foundation, was the moderator of the panel discussion on
Ms. Philippa Tsai (first from left), President of The Foundation, was the moderator of the panel discussion on "Social Innovation for Net-Zero Sustainability".

Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan celebrated its 8th Anniversary on 20th October 2023.
Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan celebrated its 8th Anniversary on 20th October 2023.