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獨家/台灣廣告登紐時 WHO 13點回應【中英全文】

2020/4/15 13:05(4/15 15:39 更新)



WHO has maintained regular technical exchanges with Taiwanese health authorities over several decades.


Below are examples of how Taiwanese health experts and authorities interact with WHO in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic (points 1 through 8) as well as examples of regular interactions that have taken place over many years and across many different global health concerns (points 9 through 13).


1. Taiwan has an established International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Point of Contact that receives IHR communications, provides IHR information updates directly to WHO Headquarters, and has access to the IHR Event Information Site (EIS) system. While noting that Taiwan’s COVID-19 caseload is low relative to its population, WHO continues to follow developments closely. (The EIS system is a password-protected database and information exchange platform supporting the IHR. It is the main platform for all IHR communications, back and forth, between WHO and IHR contacts.)

1. 台灣成立2005年國際衛生條例(IHR, 2005)聯繫窗口,透過它接收IHR的通訊,向WHO總部直接提供IHR相關更新資訊,並可進入IHR活動資訊網站(EIS)系統。WHO注意到台灣的COVID-19病例數依人口比例來看並不高,並持續密切注意發展。(EIS系統是個要有密碼才能進入的資料庫,也是支援IHR的資訊交流平台。它是WHO與IHR所有聯繫窗口之間往來通訊的主要平台。)

2. Taiwanese health experts participate in two of the key WHO networks set up in January 2020 to support WHO work in the global COVID-19 response. Three experts are part of the WHO Infection Prevention and Control Network; two are part of the WHO Clinical Network. Every week, they join some 60 to 80 other experts from around the globe through a WHO-hosted teleconference, working to advance our knowledge and guidance in this response.

2. WHO在2020年1月成立多個支援WHO在全球因應COVID-19工作的重要網路,台灣的衛生專家參加了其中兩個。有3位參加WHO感染預防與控制網路,兩位參加WHO臨床網路。他們每週透過WHO主辦的視訊會議,與大約60至80位來自全球的專家共同在因應疫情方面提升我們的知識,加強我們的指引。

3. Two Taiwanese experts participated in the Global Research and Innovation Forum organized by WHO on 11-12 February 2020. They took part, alongside other world scientists, in considering critical research questions and in finding ways to work together to advance the response.

3. 兩位台灣的專家參與了WHO在2020年2月11日至12日主辦的全球研究與創新論壇。他們與世界各國的科學家共同探討具有關鍵性的研究問題,設法合作加強疫情的因應作為。

4. Taiwan’s Field Epidemiology Training Program is a member of the Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (also known as “TEPHINET”). WHO shares Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network alerts and requests for assistance with TEPHINET, and those messages are cascaded to the TEPHINET members.

4. 台灣的衛生調查訓練班是流行病學與公共衛生防治訓練網(簡稱TEPHINET)的成員。WHO會與TEPHINET分享全球疫情警報與因應網路發布的警示,並請求協助,那些訊息會下達到TEPHINET的會員。

5. WHO, through its technical lead, has directly briefed Taiwanese health authorities and has repeated that offer.

5. WHO透過技術領導單位曾向台灣衛生當局提供簡報,並曾重複提出簡報的建議。

6. Taiwanese experts and authorities have open access to developments, guidance and other materials through the WHO’s website (www.who.int) and other digital platforms. They can also access the www.OpenWHO.orgplatform, which hosts open online courses for decision-makers and responders around the world.

6. 台灣的專家與當局可自由前往WHO官網(www.who.int)及其他數位平台取得最新發展、指引及其他材料。他們也可以進入www.OpenWHO.org平台,那裡有提供給全球決策官員及疫情因應人員的公開線上課程。

7. WHO has a designated contact point with Taiwan’s office in Geneva. Through this channel, general questions are handled and when technical concerns arise, WHO technical responses are coordinated.

7. 對台灣駐日內瓦辦事處有指定的聯絡窗口。透過這個管道可處理一般性的問題,當技術性問題發生時,WHO的技術性回應也利用這個管道協調。

8. WHO interacts with Taiwanese health authorities through the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

8. WHO透過歐洲疾病預防暨管制中心與台灣衛生當局互動。

9. Over the course of 2019, Taiwanese experts were invited to attend 9 WHO technical meetings. They attended 8 of these meetings, contributing to WHO expert processes on issues including immunization, drug-resistant TB, assistive technologies, vaccine safety and SDG targets on NCDs and Mental Health. Work is underway for more Taiwanese experts to participate in 2020.

9. 在2019年全年,台灣專家獲得9場WHO技術會議的邀請。他們參加了其中8場,在接種、抗藥性肺結核、輔助性技術、疫苗安全性與非傳染性疾病與心理衛生的永續性目標等議題上,對WHO的專業程序提供了建言。邀請更多台灣專家在2020年出席會議的工作正在進行。

10. On influenza, a Taiwanese vaccine manufacturer, Adimmune, contributes to the WHO Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework (PIP Framework) and preparations are underway for concluding an agreement between WHO and Adimmune under the PIP Framework for pandemic influenza vaccine products;

10. 在流感方面,台灣的疫苗製造廠國光生技對WHO流感全球大流行因應準備架構(PIP Framework)做出貢獻,目前準備工作正在進行,讓WHO與國光生技在PIP Framework之下簽署協議,以生產流感大流行疫苗產品。

11. In the fight against cancer, Taiwanese experts have contributed to key publications issued by the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer;

11. 在對抗癌症方面,台灣的專家曾供稿給WHO國際癌症研究署出版的重要刊物。

12. In support of the International Health Regulations, a Taiwanese expert has been appointed to the IHR Expert Roster; and

12. 為支援IHR的工作,一位台灣的專家已被列入IHR專家名單。

13. On a range of other issues, from WHO pre-qualification practices for pharmaceutical manufacturers to malaria, we have exchanges on a variety of practical and technical issues.

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Tarik Jasarevic(WHO發言人賈撒列維克)1090415

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