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梅根首挑大梁秀愛心 力挺慈善烹飪書親自寫序

2018/9/18 17:14(9/18 17:43 更新)


美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)報導,這個廚房原本是提供場地,讓這些女性能為因大火而住進旅館的家人和鄰居烹煮新鮮食物,一年多後,廚房也成為支持網絡。這些女性齊聚於此,並稱這裡是「愛的社區廚房」(Hubb Community Kitchen)。

梅根(Meghan Markle)並來到位於瑪納穆斯林文化遺產中心(Al Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre)的這處廚房,和大家一同用餐。


這本食譜名為「同心:我們的社區烹飪書」(Together: Our Community Cookbook),獲得英國王室基金會(The Royal Foundation)支持,讚頌「烹飪讓社區凝聚在一起」,內容涵蓋來自歐洲、中東、北非和地中海東部的逾50道美食。(譯者:蔡佳伶/核稿:劉學源)1070918

Together: Our Community Kitchen

The Duchess of Sussex is supporting a new charity cookbook, which celebrates the power of cooking to bring people together.'Together: Our Community Cookbook' showcases over 50 recipes from women whose community was affected by the Grenfell Tower fire.Last summer, a group of women gathered in a communal kitchen at the Al Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre in West London, where they could prepare fresh food for their families, friends and neighbours.As they cooked together and shared recipes, as a community they began to connect, heal and look forward. Word spread and more women joined in – this was the start of the Hubb Community Kitchen.The Duchess of Sussex first visited the kitchen in January 2018 and has continued to make regular private visits. United by their passion for cooking as a way of strengthening communities, The Duchess was inspired by how the project empowers women at a grassroots level, and championed the cookbook project as a way of ensuring the kitchen can continue transforming lives and communities through cooking.Her Royal Highness has written the foreword for 'Together', which features the women's own personal recipes from across Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean.The proceeds from the book will support the Hubb Community Kitchen, enabling it to stay open and to thrive.Find out more: at https://www.royal.uk/duchess-sussex-supports-together-cookbook-celebrating-community-kitchen

Posted by The Royal Family on Monday, September 17, 2018

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