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伊波拉募款MV 英大咖歌手合唱

2014/11/17 11:13(11/17 13:21 更新)


慈善團體「樂團援助」(Band Aid)要用這支單曲為伊波拉募款。

根據英國廣播公司新聞網(BBC News),英國政府不會對這首單曲課營業稅。

發起人鮑伯赫爾多夫(Bob Geldof)在英國獨立電視台(ITV)選秀節目「The X Factor」發表這首歌,並說伊波拉應該是「有史以來最要人命的疾病」,讓人們因為害怕被傳染,而不敢做肢體接觸。

MV一開始出現伊波拉患者遺體被搬走的影像,接著場景來到倫敦的沙姆錄音室(Sarm Studios),約30位明星昨天在此錄製耶誕歌曲。

葛萊美獎女歌手安潔莉克琪蒂歐(Angelique Kidjo)唱道,「每滴眼淚都有死亡」,酷玩樂團主唱克里斯馬丁(Chris Martin)接續:「那裡敲響的聖誕鈴聲是死亡之鈴。」


這支單曲是「他們知道聖誕節到了嗎?」(Do They Know It's Christmas?)的30週年版本,1984年鮑伯赫爾多夫和英國歌手米茲尤瑞(Midge Ure)等眾星共同錄製這首歌,為衣索比亞饑荒災民募款。(譯者:中央社李佩珊)1031117

Do They Know It's Christmas? (2014)歌詞

It's Christmas time, and there's no need to be afraid

At Christmas time, we let in light and banish shade

And in our world of plenty, we can spread a smile of joy

Throw your arms around the world

At Christmas time

But say a prayer, pray for the other ones

At Christmas time, it's hard but while you're having fun

There's a world outside your window, and it's a world of dread and fear

Where a kiss of love can kill you, and there's death in every tear

And the Christmas bells that ring there are the clanging chimes of doom

Well tonight we're reaching out and touching you

No peace and joy this Christmas in West Africa

The only hope they'll have is being alive

Where to comfort is to fear

Where to touch is to be scared

How can they know it's Christmas time at all

Here's to you

Raise a glass to everyone

And here's to them

And all their years to come

Let them know it's Christmas time after all

Feed the world, let them know it's Christmas time again

Feel the world, let them know it's Christmas time again

Heal the world, let them know it's Christmas time again

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